Craps - the oldest casino game now available online! Play for free and for real money today!

Today Craps is one of the most exciting casino games, but for beginners it can be one of the most complicated games. But when you learn the rules and basic strategy of Craps, this game becomes much easier to play and understand. If you want to play Craps, the first step is learning the rules. In this game two dice are used. They are numbered from one to six and the value of opposite sides total seven.

Any number of players may play Craps, but usually this game is played of one to seven participants. The player throwing the dice is also known as a Shooter. The dice are passed clockwise around the table, so every player at the Craps table has the chance to be a Shooter. A good thing is that every player can leave the game at any point. Craps can be a complicated game because there are many different types of bets and if you want to become a winner you need to be familiar with these bets.

1. Pass Line Bets - the most popular bet in Craps game. These bets are available for the Come Out roll. Pass Line Bet wins if Come Out roll is 7 or 11 and loses if Come Out roll is 2, 3 or 12. Here the pay off is 1 to 1. 2. Come Bets - Come Bet wins if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 and loses if the shooter rolls a 2, 3 or 12. Pay Off is 1 to 1. 3. Place Bet to Win - Craps player bets on a number(s) 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and this number becomes the Place Number.

Wins if shooter rolls the Place Number before rolling a 7. 4. Place Bet to Lose - here again the player bets on a number(s) 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and wins if shooter rolls a 7 before rolling the Place Number. 5. One Roll Bets - the player bets on a number(s) 2, 3, 11, and 12 and wins if shooter rolls the selected number. In case when shooter does not roll the selected number, the player loses. - 2006-2024